SEARCH WARRANTED: Amid turmoil, Aurora seeks a new police chief
Regan Williams is a man who knows police chiefs. As a recruiter for Bob Murray & Associates, he’s helped hire more than a 100 of them. As head of public…
Regan Williams is a man who knows police chiefs. As a recruiter for Bob Murray & Associates, he’s helped hire more than a 100 of them. As head of public…
Three women who worked as dispatchers at the Lake County Sheriff’s Office who say they were sexually harassed by the department’s undersheriff settled their civil suit for $875,000. The settlement…
The Lake County Sheriff’s Office will pay three women $875,000 to settle a lawsuit in which the women claimed they faced sexual harassment on the job as dispatchers. The settlement…
The complaint involves the former Lake County undersheriff who was found guilty of incest in an unrelated case in 2018. LAKE COUNTY, Colorado — The Lake County Sheriff's Office has…
The Lake County Sheriff’s Office will pay three women $875,000 to settle a lawsuit in which the women claimed they faced sexual harassment on the job as dispatchers. The settlement…
The children of Patrick Harmon — a black man fatally shot by police in 2017 — are suing Salt Lake City, claiming Harmon’s death reflects an inadequately trained police force…
Back in March, Zayd Atkinson was picking up trash outside his dorm at Naropa University in Boulder when a group of police officers confronted him, apparently refusing to believe that…
BOULDER, Colo. — Members of Boulder's African-American community say a new study backs up what they've believed for years: black people are more likely to be arrested than white people.…
Zayd Atkinson, the Naropa University student who was detained on his front doorstep for picking up trash, wasn’t surprised to hear the recently released statistics that black people are twice…
BOULDER, Colo. (AP) – A Colorado district attorney’s office has received a grant for bias training in a city where several police officers confronted black student Zayd Atkinson outside his…