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Middle school teacher who sexually abused students will spend at least 40 years in prison

AURORA — A for­mer mid­dle school teacher in the Cherry Creek School dis­trict who admit­ted to sex­u­ally abus­ing stu­dents will spend at least 40 years in prison.

Accord­ing to a grand jury indict­ment, Brian Vasquez had an inap­pro­pri­ate sex­ual rela­tion­ship with his first vic­tim in 2013. Since then, he has admit­ted to engag­ing in an improper sex­ual rela­tion­ship with four other girls.

He was sen­tenced on Fri­day, and the parole board will deter­mine if he should serve a longer sen­tence that the min­i­mum of 40 years.

“He knew it was wrong. He knew at some point he would be caught,” Spe­cial Pros­e­cu­tor Cara Mor­lan said after the sen­tenc­ing. “Those that com­mit these kinds of crimes will be held accountable”

Vasquez, 35, pleaded guilty in July to three counts of sex­ual assault on a child by a per­son in a posi­tion of trust, pat­tern of abuse, a Class 3 felony; one count of sex­ual exploita­tion of a child, a Class 3 felony; one count of attempted sex­ual exploita­tion of a child, a Class 4 felony; and one count of inter­net sex­ual exploita­tion of a child, a Class 4 felony.

RELATED : Teacher at Prairie Mid­dle School accused of sex assault: Police

Vasquez was a teacher at Prairie Mid­dle School and was arrested in August 2017.

Qusair Mohamedb­hai, the lawyer for the vic­tims, said two of the girls are still work­ing on their men­tal health in an effort to return to school. One of them is about to grad­u­ate high school, and the other two are now in college.

He said the vic­tims didn’t just want Vasquez to be pun­ished, and that they also hope his sen­tence will deter other per­pe­tra­tors from com­mit­ting sim­i­lar crimes.

Two school admin­is­tra­tors have also been indicted in con­nec­tion to the inci­dents: Adri­enne (“AJ”) Mac­in­tosh, was a dean at the school, and David Gon­za­lez was the school prin­ci­pal. Accord­ing to the indict­ment, a teen girl reported the abuse to them in 2013.

Instead of report­ing the abuse to law enforce­ment, as required by law, the indict­ment says Mac­in­tosh and Gon­za­lez told the vic­tim that her tes­ti­mony would dam­age the career and life of a good teacher.

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