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Former deputy convicted of criminally negligent homicide in death of Christian Glass

DENVER (KDVR) — The jury has convicted former Clear Creek County Sheriff’s Office deputy Andrew Buen, who killed 22-year-old Christian Glass in 2022.

The jury on Thursday found Buen guilty of criminally negligent homicide, opting for a lesser charge than the original second-degree murder charge. In his first trial, Buen was found guilty of reckless endangerment, but the jury was deadlocked on the charges of second-degree murder and official misconduct.

Glass’s mother, Sally Glass, after the verdict said in a press conference Buen belongs in jail for what he did to her son.

“He’s been walked away in handcuffs, and he’s finally going to be in jail, which is where he needs to be,” Sally said. “Andrew Buen is a violent man. That man really, in my opinion, should not be seeing the light of day because he’s a menace to the world and, particularly, to the community of Colorado.”

She said while she knows the verdict doesn’t change the fact her son isn’t coming back to her, she is thankful a law enforcement officer is facing consequences for his actions. Officers and deputies, she said, should be held to the same standards, or higher ones, as anyone else.

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