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Federal Heights officer admits fellow cop lost control

More information was released Wednesday in what led up to a Federal Heights police officer assaulting a suspect.

Officer Mark Magness pleaded guilty to attempted assault on a man he had just arrested in December. The officer assisting him, officer Dave Romero, told the district attorney’s office that he believes “Magness began to lose control when he threw the restraint chair across the book-in area.”

Body cam video shows the profanity-laced exchange that led up to the assault Magness admitted to. The suspect is dragged out of the squad car and brought into the intake area. Officer Romero uncuffs the man, grabs him by the neck and screams “Sit down!”

The man then begins to call Magness a name and swings at him. Magness responds with several punches to the man’s head and body, despite the man trying to cover up his head with his hands.

Officer Romero told the district attorney’s office that Magness has a history of being aggressive with suspects. He said there have been several incidents when Magness physically pushed away from suspects and told “your time is up dealing with this suspect… someone else is going to take over.”

Click here to read this article in its entirety at 9News.