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Denver landlord denies Muslim restaurant owner a space

DENVER — On the cor­ner of Corona Street and East Ninth Avenue, what used to be the White Fence Farm is col­lect­ing dust in a Capi­tol Hill neighborhood.

Crag Cald­well has a five-year lease on the space and closed down his shop, look­ing for some­one to sub­let it.

That’s when he came across the Khan fam­ily. They own the suc­cess­ful Curry n Kebob restau­rant in Boul­der, and are look­ing to expand.

Cald­well said he was caught off-guard when he brought up the idea to his land­lord, only to get rejected.

The rea­son sur­prised him so much, he said he started record­ing con­ver­sa­tions with Katina Gatchis.

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